Potty Chair or Potty Seat?

Potty training is an important milestone in a child's life, and it can be a challenging time for both the child and the parents. One decision parents often face during potty training is whether to use a small potty chair or a regular-sized toilet with a seat insert (aka potty seat). Both options have their pros and cons, and it's important to consider them before making a choice.

Small Potty Chair


Convenience: A small potty chair is easy to move around, and you can place it in any room, making it very convenient for your child to use when they need to go.

Comfort: Potty chairs are usually designed to be comfortable for young children, with a low seat and armrests for added support. This can help your child feel more secure and confident when using the potty.

Independence: Using a small potty chair can give your child a sense of independence and control over the potty training process.

Decorate: Your child can decorate the small potty with stickers to make it their own


Messy: Potty chairs require frequent cleaning, and if your child misses the potty, it can create a mess that you'll need to clean up.

Short-term use: Once your child is fully potty trained, you'll no longer need the potty chair, and it can take up unnecessary space in your home.

Transition to the toilet: Using a potty chair exclusively can make it difficult for your child to transition to using a regular toilet in public or at other people's homes. This is especially true for children that struggle with transitions in general.

Potty Seat


Long-term use: A toilet with a seat insert and stool is something your child can use for years to come, which makes it a good investment.

Easy to clean: Toilets are much easier to clean than potty chairs, and you won't have to worry too much about spills or messes on the floor (though, it can happen!).

Convenience: Your child may be more comfortable using a regular toilet in public, at friends' houses, and other places outside of your home.

Good options for children that struggle with transitions: If your child has trouble with change or adjusting to something new, it may help to start their potty learning journey with the regular toilet.


Size: Regular-sized toilets can be intimidating for young children and may require some time helping them feel comfortable sitting on it. This is where a good seat insert and stool will come in handy! I recommend a stool that is about 16 inches tall.

Inconvenient for nighttime use: If your child is not accident-free overnight, a regular-sized toilet may be too far away from their bedroom and make nighttime potty trips more difficult.

Ultimately, the choice between a small potty chair and a potty seat will depend on your child's personality, your home's layout, and your personal preferences. Consider your child's needs and what will work best for your family. It's also worth noting that some caregivers choose to use both options to help their child transition from the potty chair to the regular toilet. This allows you to offer choice, which can help with motivation during the process! Whatever you decide, be patient and consistent in your approach, and remember that potty training is a process that takes time and effort.